Orkney plural and definate forms
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Author:  ulvemannen [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Orkney plural and definate forms

I haven't been seriously studying Nynorn for long, I've had a break of about a year since I last did anyway. Are we in a general agreement that most nouns take an ending of -o, a combination of nom/acc confusion in feminine nouns and weak masculine nouns, the -a/-u become -o later on?

There seems to be very few records on the definate forms of nouns, but from the 'Nynorn dialect' page on the main website I can gather that ið is the singular definate form for neuter nouns e.g. bannið (the child) husið (the house?) Whereas -en has been used for masculine/feminine.

The dative form, which in all genders seems to have become -i , then dissapeared, is something worth discussing, aka whether or not to include it. I think it's a matter of personal choice at the moment, whether or not one uses the dative shouldn't confuse people, but keeping in mind that it seems only to have been preserved in certain phrases and not used in the later days of the language.

In regard to the genitive, the -s is preserved, so I've read, so it would make sence to keep that, whilst the other forms in Old Norse seem to have lost the -r ending and become e/I, to be honest it seems confusing to keep both of these forms.

Some questions:

.What in regard to strong masculine nouns?
. And plural forms, this I have no idea about

A few phonological things I'm confused with are the e vs ai. So dað heder would in Orkney Nynorn, be something
like það haiter. Likewise en, ett vs ain, ait

Author:  ulvemannen [ Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Orkney plural and definate forms

I have seen, in reconstructions of Orkney Norn, both en and ain being used.

Another thing is the ititial t vs þ e.g. tað ir.. or það ir. I know evidence of both initial t and þ exist, so again we would perhaps have to make a decision about this, or adopt both forms.

Another thing I've noticed is the e - i change, men - min, er - ir

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