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gallj nm. mock-sun

gab nn. 1. gap, opening; 2. idle talk, nonsense

gaba vw. to be talkative; gab(s)et

gaba nf. cave, grotto

gabel, gevel nm. (ON gafl) 1. gable, end-wall; 2.steep headland

gabi nm. talkative, tattling person

gad nn. hole, opening

gadd nm. large nail, spike

galafert adj. wild, frolicsome

galdragonanf. scorceress, witch

gall adj. 1. hard, difficult; 2. bad

gama vw. to make fun

gamarið nf. (ON gaman-hríð) 1. wild, noisy mirth, loud talk; 2. laughter; at halda [gera] gamarið

gammel adj. weak decl. gambli, gambla old

gander nm. sudden feeling of powerlessness, sickness at heart (< sickness from witchcraft?) dað er ilt gander uppå mitt hjarta

gang, gjang nn. 1. going, gait; 2. passage;3. throughfare, floor; 4. turn, times

gansel nm. 1. qualm;2. vomiting; 3. strange appearance

ganska adv. very well, quite well T

gard nm. 1.enclosure, fence; 2. halo around the sun or moon

gardbalk nm. ridge of earth marking the boundary between two pacthes of arable land

garm nm. : roffatu-garm - with an untidy hair like

gart nm. (ON garðr) 1. enclosed uncultivated patch of land; 2. farm

gelaegit adj. (ON *ga-litkaðr?) coloured (of animals)

geng nm. 1. going, gait; 2. throughfare; 3. times, circuit, row

genga nf. long walk

genger nm. sunrise T; å gengerenon of the sun, at sunrise

gera vw. 1. to do; gera so! do it! 2. to make,produce; 3. to raise, let blow (weather); 4. to assist, further; hannj gerdi rið; at gera veder to forecast weather (ON gera úr - interpret); gera ilt to cause bad blood between friends

gera efter 1. to copy, counterfeit; 2. to discover (by magic) where stolen goods are hidden

gera til 1. to fashion, form; 2. to arrange, prepare

gera um 1. to change places; 2. to pass from hand to hand

gera uppå (sog) to get ready to set out on a journey

gest nm. guest

geta vs. to beget, get; hannj gat hana veð bånni he got her with a child

getling nm. pig, young hog

geva nf. (Nor. givnad) 1. natural ability; 2. correct manner of behaviour or carrying out something; see also gåva

geva vs. 1. to give; T; 3. give away

geva å 1. to urge on; 2. to work energetically at something

geva upp to give up; hannj gav upp å dem he gave it up owning to exhaustion and withdrew from the game; båten gav upp å

dem the boat was no longer serveable

geva til 1. to give much to (intense desire); eg myndi geva e-t til (cf. ON ek vildi gefa mikit til); 2. to drub, cudgel

gidli nn.knife T

gil nn. 1. ravine, ghyll; 2. small narrow dale

gild nn. (ON geld, gjald) payment, compensation

gild adj. 1. payable, valid; 2. valuable; 3. capable, good at work; 4. excellent, notable

gilet adj. having whitish or yellowish belly

girja vw. 1. to press, squeeze; 2. to be squeezed or pressed

givamild adj. 1. generous;2. open-handed

gjo nf. cleft in a rock

gjoger nm.species of sea-perch

gjomek nm. stripe, esp. on animal's forehead

gjomet adj. faded, pale, sickly-looking

gjord nf.1.income; 2. large gift, fine present; hvar røsar gjordena everyone praises what he gets; dað er gjord

gjot, gjut nn. 1. defile, hollow; 2.small dale; 3. narrow cleft

gjånga nf. in compounds: something given to someone on errand

gjånger nm.steed, horse

glab nn. 1. opening;2. space, esp. a cleft; 3. hollow; 4. small dale

glerla nf., glerhellek nm. sheet of ice

glib nn. 1. large quantity; 2. iron. good exchange; 3. good reward

glans nn. brightness, shine

glansa vw. 1. to shine, give light (of bright metals)

glant nn. 1. amusement, mirth; 2. pleasantry and jest

glegg adj. 1. sharp-sighted;2. acute; 3. clever, quick to learn; glegt er gestsens joga (Fær. glöggt er gestsins eyga, Ísl. glöggt er gestsins auga)

glepa vw. (past glepti) (ON gleypa) 1. to swallow; 2. to dry up; 3. to address somebody crossly

glerel, glerhellja nf., -ek

nm. smooth, glassy sheet of ice

gljoger nn. foam on the surface of the sea

gljur nn. 1. deep cleft; 2. darkrocky cavern; 3. grotto

globeren nm.def. the moon T

gloder nn. 1. glow of heat; 2. reddish light; sulen var uti veð glodri; dað er gloder veð suleni; dað er gloder uti; gloder fyri [under, av] suleni

glodret adj. 1. dense, large, dark (of a cloud); 2. charged with clouds (air)

gloga vw. to cast furtive watchful side-glances about

gloitta vw. 1. to slide, to slip; 2. to become loose

gloitt nm. 1. large portion of food; 2. meal between regular meals, snack; also glutning (glot-, gloit-) - a glutton

gloma vw. to grasp, gather;at gloma samen [op] taatis

glomek nm. paw, large hand

glomet adj. dirty, with begrimed face (striped with dirt)

gloming nm. daybreak

glonsa nf. additional meal, between regular meals

glont nm. 1. big well-grown boy; 2. large jelly-fish, medusa

glopen adj. gluttonous, greedy, hungry

glu, glua? vw. 1. to glow, give light; 2. shine

glub nm. 1. gap, ravine; 2. appetite T dað er ikke glub å fiskenon

gluggi nm. small round cake

glukast nm. 1. large heap, quantity (of potatoes); 2. snack; hannj lagdi i [var veð] glukasti

gluma vw. to suspect, be suspicious; at gluma uppå e-t; at illgluma to scowl

glums nf. pit, hollow, depression in sand

glupni nm. glutton, greedy person

glura vw. 1. to stare, gaze; 2.shine in the dark; fisken glurar i myrkenu

glygg, glegg nm. hole in a wall, small window

gløb, gløbi nm. good mouthful, large portion

glød nf. red-hot embers

gløma, glema vw. (past glømdi) 1. to forget; 2. neglect

glåm nm.1.moonlight; 2. low fire; 3. white stripe; 4. lamp T

goda, gøda nf. road, path

godek nm. riddle, something to guess

godet adj. minded, tempered

goiljd nf. strong heat, short period of heat

goiljtinm. 1. hog, (fatted) pig; 2. stupid person

gojek nm. 1. snowman; 2. young coalfish

gola nf. wind, blast

goljdet adj. decayed, beginning to putrefy

gollja nf. 1. godmother; 2. young woman attending a mother

gong(s)ja vw. 1. to swagger, swing; 2. to walk aimlessly; hvar(na) genger du gongsjandi til?

goni, gonni nm. 1. supernat. being (elf); Gonni myn taka dog!; 2. ugly woman

gopn, gjopn, gjopem nf. handful, hollow of the hand

gorja vw. (past gurdi) to plant too closely

gosen adj. slightly dried in the wind

gotek nm. 1. fissure, cleft; 2. gutter

grabb nn. grab, grasp

gram adj. 1. very desirious of; 2. delighted, overjoyed (øver)

gramisa vw. (past gramisti) to bewitch; cf. fommis

granda vw. to hurt by witchcraft

granderi nn. 1. witchcraft, sorcery; 2. magic

grandori nn.septennial court

granni nm. 1. neighbour; 2. address my friend! comrade!

grava vs. 1. to dig up; 2. bury; sjuen grever av boitnenon

gred, greð nm.coll. 1.objects; 2. implement; 3. matter, object; dað er greden! pretty thing! (iron.); 4. sort, kind

gref nf. 1. grave;2. sea-bottom; also as -grøf [grof] in bakkagrof

grefster nm. 1. digging up; 2. burial

gremja vw. (past gramdi) 1. to be embittered, enraged; 2. to swear horribly; 3. to grieve; 4. to complain (øver, um)

grep nf. 1. fork;2. forked implement, manure-fork

gresi adv. excellently; gresi ger carefully [excellently] done

grimm adj. 1. grim, fierce, harsh; 2. ugly

grind nf. 1. gate;2. frame; 3. shoal of whales

grinda vw. to shut the gate in a fence

grindhval nm.'caaing' whale

grip nn. 1. robbery;2. taking hold of

grip nm. valuable object, excellent of its kind

gris nm. pig, (young) swine

grist nm. 1. force, strength; dað er ikke grist i honon; 2. hypnotizing, witchcraft;at kasta grist øver e-on

groinnj nm. shallow fishing-ground

groinnjing nm. cod; tanngroining

gronan nf. 1. presentiment, suspicion; 2. casual mention of something;eg havdi gronan av di I heard it incidentally; I got a hint of it

grot, grut nm. porridge

grund nf. 1. ground, soil; 2. foundation; 3. sea-bottom

grunnka nf. shallow bank in the sea

gryk nn. dawn

grøbi nm. 1. small, feeble, incapable person; 2. naughty child

grøflingsadj. adv. face downwards, prostrate

grøli, grølek nm. 1. bugbear; 2. witch; 3. masked or disguised person

grøn adj. green

grøning nf. dawn

grønska nf. green heads of turf turned up by digging

grøt nn. 1. stone, species of stone; 2. stony ford

grøta nf. pot

grøtstað, grot- nm. porridge

grå nf. 1. wind; 2. gentle breeze

grå adj., weak grågi (A.S. græg?) grey

gråga nf.  the grey one (mare or cow)

gråget adj. grey(ish)

grågi nm. grey stallion or bush

gråkollj nm. mouse T < "grey head"

gråta vs. (past gret, pp gråten) to weep

gråtsa nf. weeping girl

gråtsi nm. weeping boy

gråtska nf. crying and noise

guð, gud adj. (neut. goitt) good

guðen, guðin nf. improvement in the weather

guv, gov nf. (ON gufa) 1. steam, smoke; 2. strong smell;eg fann guv av di; 3. heavy breathing; 4. hurry; 5. anger; hannj kom i guv

guva vw. 1. to steam, smoke; 2. tobreathe heavily; 3. to hurry on

gulsa nf. jaundice; gulsagras - a remedy against jaundice

gum nf. 1. mind; temper; 2. feeling; at hava illja gum at e-on

guma vw. to pay attention, to notice; = enta (anta)

gykerl nf. 1. ogress, sorceress; 2. tall, stout woman

nf.(ON gígja) old-fashioned 2-stringed fiddle; see also gju

gødasi nf.(Fær. góðska?) good thing put by for a certain occasion; at halda e-t fyri gødasi; 2. quality

gør nf. (ON gýgr) 1. unusually tall woman; 2. masculine woman

vs. (Danicism, Fær. ballads gá, stá) to go, only in: stå or gå

gåva nf. 1. natural ability; 2. gift

gåit nn. hole, opening in a roof

gånga, genga vs. 1. to go, to walk; 2. to flow,to stream, to roll (of nature phenomena); hannj genger ikke at koma he will hardly come; gångandi kjonki [søga] infectious cold

gånga av 1. to go off, pass away; 2. leave off (mood, temper); 3. to accomplish a heavy piece of work; 4. to leave a surplus; at gånga av vårenu

gånga at to set upon, attack, go at; at gånga upp [nord] at (of a wind)

gånga frå 1. to be taken from (as a part), make an exception of;2. to die (cattle) = gånga til

gånga fram to go forward to the stem of a boat; see fram

gånga fyri 1. to descend; 2. fall from something steep and perish in the sea; 3. to perish by falling

gånga saman to settle (agreement)

gånga til to perish, die (especially of young weak animals)

gånga um to shift about or turn (of wind)

gånga under 1. to take a burden on one's back; 2. to pledge someone to, submit to

gånga upp 1. to rise; 2. to heave, break high; 3. to increase; 4. to come to an end; gången upp = gången ut come to an end

gånga ut 1. to begin the field work in spring; 2. to come to an end or be worn out, dagen gekk ut the day passed; 3. to have a (definite, foretold) result; 4. to be verified (of a prophecy)

gånga veð 1. to go on (in spite of opposition), endure; 2. to decline; 3. to waste away; 4. to perish, die; 5. to own up, confess

gånga øver 1. to heave; 2. to go beyond all bounds [too far], exceed; 3. to overflow

gångbit nn. (ON gagn-) mark in a sheep's ear

gånn nn. (ON garn) yarn, thread

gård nm. yard, fence

gårdsendi where an old fence ends

gårdsimi of the thick straw-ropes

gårdstað nm. ridge of earth from an old fence

gåitt (gåitek)nf. doorcase, doorway; threshold; de vuru ikke ut øver døragåittena; gakk øver gåiteken!; legga gåitt inn under heli båtsens


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